Raising Money Made Easy

Legally raising capital, Introduction to securities regulation, Family, Friends and Business Associates Exemptions, Accredited Investor Exemption and Private Issuer Exemption are topics that you will understand after watching this training.

1 heures

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75 $
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OACIQ, CSF, Institut PF

OACIQ (Au choix) :


CSF (Matière de conformité aux normes, d'éthique et de pratique professionnelle) :


Institut PF (NP) :



Real estate broker

Financial security advisor

Financial planner

Insurance advisor and collective annuities

Active real estate investor or future

Real estate developer

Real estate passionate

Mutual Funds Representatives

Scholarship Plan Representatives

Vous apprendrez

Learn to legally fundraise

Know the fundraising rules

Know the two avenues to publicly fundraise

Master the difference between a reporting issuer and a non-reporting issuer

Learn securities regulatory jargon

Understand the waiver for relatives, friends and partners

Understand who is a family member per securities regulations

Understand who qualifies as a close friend under securities regulations

Understand who can be considered a close partner under securities regulations

Understand the responsibilities during a dispensation for relatives, friends and partners

Become proficient with the risk acknowledgment form for relative, friend and partner investors

Understanding the Accredited Investor Exemption

Learn the criteria to be considered an accredited investor

Understand the responsibilities during an accredited investor exemption

Become skilled with the form for a natural person qualified investor

Understand the statement of exempt distribution

Understanding the private issuer exemption

Understand the three conditions to be considered as a private issuer

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À partir de 18,75$/mois
avec abonnement annuel, +taxes

Gabriel Araish

CPA, CA, spécialisé en levée de capitaux

Auteur du livre « Secrets of Securites Compliance : The Art of Raising Money the Right Way », Gabriel Araish figure au premier rang du secteur de la réglementation et de la conformité des valeurs mobilières depuis près de 10 ans. Il a été régulateur pendant huit ans à l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) en tant qu’analyste en valeurs mobilières, états financiers; et analyste principal en valeurs mobilières, financement des entreprises. Depuis, Gabriel possède et exploite de nombreuses entreprises locales et internationales. Il enseigne et offre des services-conseils et du coaching en réglementation et en conformité des valeurs mobilières. Gabriel a aussi une expertise au niveau de l’investissement immobilier aux États-Unis ayant accumulé un parc immobilier depuis plusieurs années et qui continue de croître annuellement. Dans le secteur immobilier, il aide aussi plusieurs investisseurs internationaux en offrant du coaching en investissement immobilier aux États-Unis.